Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mo Manning cleaning fairy

Hello! I have another card for you to see today and this is by one of my fav artists, Mo Manning. I have a ton of her images but haven't colored them up for a bit but when I saw she was having a guest dt call, well I whipped those images out so fast my cats actually raised their heads to see what was going on. They are, errr, a little lazy!

The Challenge for this week is "Dancing and Singing" and I thought this cleaning fairy suited the challenge to a tee. I am really pleased with how this came out. My buddy Alyce gave me some pointers on doing pleats and the feather in the corner is in homage to her and all of her embellishments. A prima bubble dot with a little yellow bird and some lace and she is good to go. Ok, wish me luck and don't be surprised if you see a few more Mo Manning images, they are like potato chips, you can't stop with just one!


  1. Amanda this rocks! Loving your pleats and the reds are absolutely delicious. That feather is the perfect touch with this image too! Great job! :D

  2. Hey girl! Trying to catch up in blogland just a little! We'll have to catch up irl sometime soon - missed you at the Pgh show though!
    This is way cute! Can I have a cleaning fairy - please, please?!?!
    Your coloring is SPOT ON - good luck with the guest designer call! You did an awesome job with her & love the feather!

  3. Oh my goodness! How dang cute is this and what a perfect feather embellishment! Just darling Amanda!! :)

  4. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fun image!! She does look so happy to be cleaning!! She must of took too many whiffs of Pine Sol or something!!!

    I love the feather accent! Just perfect!!!


  5. So cool! LOVE this card! Good luck with the DT call!

  6. Hi Amanda! That's funny about your cats looking at you when you pulled out your images! hehe! Your card is precious...I've always loved this Mo image...and you have definitely done her justice with your gorgeous coloring and design work! Thank you so much for joining us this week at Mo's! Hugs. Pat Frank

  7. Love this image and the colouring is super!!

  8. Perfect card Amanda..you get my vote!
    But then you always get my vote :)
    LOVE these colours and your sentiment.

    Big hugs
    Me XXX

  9. I think I need the fairy in my house. Luuuurve the details on this one. Have a coolio weekend. xx

  10. Love it Love it Love it Sheila.x

  11. I wish you would share the tips for pleats and feathers! I need help...good luck and you are rocking these images!

  12. I wish you would share the tips for pleats and feathers! I need help...good luck and you are rocking these images!
