Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little Skullie

Hi everyone! I am back to share another card from the new release at SCACD and this time I am using Little Skullie, love her attitude!

She is colored with both copics and Shinhan Touch Twin markers and my paper is some kraft cardstock I had and Carta Bella Beautiful Moments along with some Waterfall stickles around the edges of her for a little bling. You can buy her individually or as a set and get both a discount plus a bonus stamp when you purchase all 4 images. Have fun!


  1. oh she is fabulous .. love the darker colours
    Lisa x

  2. Lovin' the new profile photo Amanda - you are so gorgeous!

    And I love your card - what a sassy sweet gal and gorgeous colouring as usual!

  3. Oh how adorable!!! Love it!
    hugs, Sharon

  4. So gorgeous Amanda. This image is the cutest and I love how you colored her. Hope you're managing to stay cool? It's almost 100 here today :(

  5. She looks like she's gonna get into trouble!!! LOL

    Love those PINK boots!!!!!!!!!!!! And how you did the sentiment too :)

  6. She is adorable! What a total funky money...love her style and the bright pink accents really pop! :)

  7. Cute, cute, cute....but I don't think I want to cross her path LOL!
    You really brought the tough & sweet together perfectly!

  8. How fun is this!! Great card!

  9. Oh she is fabulous Amanda!!
    Perfectly coloured and ever-so-pretty papers.
    Love that flutterby too...what make is it please??

    Big hugs
    Me :)

  10. I think she might be you! HA! I am loving those Shinhan Touch Twin Markers....nice mix/addition to the Copics!
