Monday, August 29, 2011

LCI Bloghop is just around the corner...

Just wanted to announce that next Tuesday, September 6th (September already?!), is the next Ladybugs Blog Hop. Please be sure to post this emblem on your blog for a chance to win and make sure you hop to everyones blog to see what they have designed. And if you are "getting older" like me, make sure to take some aspirin before hand...

1 comment:

  1. You must be in the same moon I'm in cuz that's the same way I feel. Just had my hair cut & I HATE it !!! The same lady cut it that I always go to but it's just a weird cut this time & I'd like to just bury my head in the sand for a few weeks until I can do something with it ... Oh well it's JUST hair !!! But I do sympathize with you. Ok on to better things. Your card is wonderful Amanda !!! I love the way you did the triangles & those colors just pop !!! I find when I try to ink around sentiments or something that the less ink I use the better it looks. Otheres can use all they want & it looks great but for me just doing a smaller dabbing around the edges seems to set it off without over doing it. Anyway I really like this card & your image is colored perfectly ...
    Hugs, Janie
