Monday, August 29, 2011

Cute Card Thursday challenge

First off, before we get to my card I need to vent a little bit. I am trying to grow my hair out and it grows realllly slowly. Well, decided it really needed trimmed so went to a local salon a friend had recommended and now I have uneven layers and the right side is longer than the left! I guess you get what you pay for but now I am really peeved cause it will have to be cut again to make it look right. I tell ya, finding a good hairdresser is so difficult around here. My last one did a good job but it took her 2 hours just for a haircut! Okay, just needed to whine a bit..

My card today is a lotv image and I am entering it into the Cute Card Thursday challenge which is a sketch.

I am not wild about this card either so I guess my mood is rubbing off onto my work! Mostly I don't like the inking around the sentiment but I never seem to get that right, too much, too splotchy blech! The papers are from gcd called Cloisonne and I got them on sale at Michaels. Ok, hopefully tomorrow is a little better cause I really dislike (how many times have I said really?) being in a icky mood.


  1. oh wow what gorgeous colours .. and i think the sentiment looks fine.I know what you eman abut hairdressers. Mine moved to New Zealand and it took me nearly 5 years to find a good one again.. and now she is on Maternity leave - i cant wait for her to come back!
    Lisa x

  2. Well, let's start off by saying "whatever" to your not liking this beautiful card! The colors are gorgeous and I love the layout, especially the addition of the doily ;) The ongoing saga of finding a good hairdresser, I could go on for days on this subject so I feel for you....At the moment I'm reasonably happy, but that's only after looking (everywhere) for years. And even though I do like my hairdresser at the moment, at least once a week, in utter frustration, I say I'm going to shave my

  3. So sorry to hear you were having a bad day. Hope today is better. I have had people mess up my hair before, so upsetting, even worse when it was your own Mother! Ha! I like your card too. The inking around your sentiment is fine. ( Maybe the hot pink was just too strong of a color, for your eye.) Sending a hug.

  4. 2 hours! You must have been very patient - I normally get out of there in 45 minutes!!! Sorry you're having a bad hair day - you'll get there in the end honey!

    I think your card is AMAZING! And I love that sentiment and blotchy look!! Gives it a whimsical feel to match the image!

    And SNAP! I used this sketch for my post today too! I swear we were twins in another life...

    Will be sending you an email soon for a catch up honey - just been sooooo manic!



  5. Sorry to hear you're having a bad hair day!
    Uneven hair?? My Mum would say 'It looks like they cut it with a knife and fork'!
    Good news is, it will grow again :)

    I love your card, your colouring is awesome, the papers are so pretty and your sentiment is..ok a little splotchy..are you using blending foam to add the ink? And you need a 'light' hand approach to applying it. Fly over here and I'll show ya!
    Hope your day has improved and you've not been tetchy all day.

    You xxx

  6. Amanda, I think your card is lovely. That sweet little girl is beautiful and so are your papers are coloring. Wow, 2 hours for a haircut? I can't even sit still that long - no way! It is really hard to find someone you can trust with your HAIR, isn't it? I hope you find someone fabulous sweetie.

  7. Hi Amanda, I love your card and I think the pink edging really ties the whole card together. Love it! I am so sorry to hear about your hair. I had that happen at the hands of several of my Mom's friends when I was younger. Ggrrrr! When I got out of High School I grew my hair out to my ears and then I didn't cut it again. I had hair down under my knees for the next 20 years. lol... I guess your never too old for a little rebellian. Hope today is an awesome day for you. Hugs, Lisa

  8. OMG! This is soooooooo pretty. I cannot believe you're not happy with it. Superb colouring too.

    I feel your haircut pain. I have walked out of a hairdressers when waiting for an appointment, after seeing what the person I was booked in with was doing to the person in front of me! Bad. And the last one I has was not disimilar to you. I am having corrective surgery on friday...

  9. Amanda....your view may be just a bit askew! (Like that word?) I love your card and the sentiment is fine. I think when we have 'one of those bad hair days' it just makes the whole day look can save this one for me because I love it! LOL (It might be because she almost doesn't have a mouth! HA HA HA!
