Saturday, April 19, 2014

Monster Hugs!

Welcome back to day THREE of our APRIL Kraftin' Kimmie Peeks!!! The awesome new stamps just keep on comin'!!
We are SO thrilled to share the newest set of FOUR images with matching sentiments from THAIS! Could this set of furry friends BE any cuter?? This fabulously fun new set is called MONSTER HUGS!!
This week our challenge hostess is SHARON! And her challenge is ANYTHING GOES!! So create a card, scrapbook page or altered item with a Kraftin' Kimmie stamp with no restrictions! Use any sketch, any design, any embellishments because Anything Goes! 

I have used an older paper pad on this one, I just wanted to use some bright colors for this guy!

Have some krafty fun and join us this week because we'd LOVE to see your KKS designs. We hope you can play along for your chance to WIN some NEW Kraftin' Kimmie rubbah!!!

Are you join us for our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY!!! Hope you can join us for all the fun and excitement and prizes!!! We'll be releasing all the new stamps you've seen this week after the party at 11am EDT!! You can read all the details about how you can join us RIGHT HERE!
All the Krafty Girls listed below have lots of super FUN designs to show you featuring these sweet new stamps from Thais! And while you're hopping around, be sure to leave a comment because we are giving away some stamps!!! You could WIN this new set of stamps!!!!! {All of this week's winners will be announced later this week!}
So come and hang out with us in a couple of hours for all the LIVE action krafty fun at the release party and then come on back here tomorrow to check out the release day blog hop! The design team over at Kit and Clowder are helping us to launch the new stamps this month! We'll have lots of surprises for you, including an Easter Egg Hung, a Customer Competition and ALL the new stamps will be available TODAY at the KKStamps Shop!!
Happy hoppin'!



  1. so Bright!!!!! i love it. very awesome.

  2. I love the bright happy colours I think this is going to be another stamp set on my wish list

  3. Oh Amanda...such a lovely bright and cheery card. Love that new image and as always your colouring is amazing.

  4. When I saw this guy I had to laugh because my first thought was that I've been him lately, a monster that is. LOL. He's a lot cuter than me though. :-) I like his dotty skin. Fun!

  5. so cute!!!!! I'm charmed !! :)

  6. He's super cute Amanda. Especially love the coloring of his horns and feet. You've made him so lifelike!

  7. Well, he's not scary at all!!! He's such a cute monster!!!LOL
    Another lovely inspiration!

  8. Hahaha ... too cute like your bright pink and green color combo !!

  9. Adorable card! Your coloring is beautiful.

  10. these images are so much fun ... beautiful card x hugs jane x

  11. How fun!! Those bright colors are perfect. Even better that you got to use up some older paper. : )

  12. I love when green and pink are used together! Awesome card! (I really want this stamp set!)

  13. So bright and colorful. Glad the butterflies aren't afraid of him. Great card.

  14. So bright and cute Amanda! Love it!

  15. So bright and beautiful and fun. Lovely card. The little monster is just a cutie

  16. So sweet. I really like the dimension you coloured on the fur.

  17. Beautiful colors
    on your card, it's
    Carla from Utah

  18. Such a cutie! Love the bright colors!

  19. Well you did put a smile on my face with this card. I love the bright colors and they are perfect with this cute, goofy guy.
