Thursday, January 2, 2014

Here we go again!

Happy 2014 everyone and time to start making some cards again! This week is another "Anything Goes" challenge at Mo's DP challenge blog and today I have used Fairy Needle. I have been wanting to color her for a bit so here was my chance!

I have even included a little spool in with my flower embellishment haha! Some gorgeous lace from my friend Elaine and a lovely butterfly from my friend Alyce finish it off. I have some awfully generous friends don't I? Okay, your turn to "wow" us with your project and to be in the running for a $5 voucher for the store!

I would like to enter my card into the following challenge:
Crafty Little Fairies   starting over


  1. She's fairy cute Amanda. The little spool of thread is just adorable among your flowers.

  2. This is sew sew cute, girlfriend!! :))
    I love fairies of all kinds& she is sweet!!! Xo

  3. Wonderful card and such a fantastic image, Amanda! Love the little seamstress. She must be the guardian angel for all of us who dearly love to sew. :-D Delightful lace trim.

  4. This is jaw dropping beautiful. I am in awe and the lovely coloring, the beautiful attention to details, especially love that little spool of thread. You amaze me dear friend!

  5. Hey there Amanda!! Happy New Year!! I love, love, LOVE this card. So many gorgeous elements!! Your coloring is stunning, as always. And the design work and brilliant use of embellies make this card absolute perfection!! Sending warm hugs your way!! Pat

  6. Just adorable Amanda! I love the blend of colours and your little spool is so perfect.
    Hope 2014 is Wonderful for you and your family.
    Huge Hugs Mau xx
    so happy to be your Sis for a while longer :o))

  7. This is absolutely cute, Amanda! Love the color combo and the beautiful butterfly!
    Hugs, Anja

  8. Your spool and flower are perfect for this fairy.. Love all the added details to this…


  9. Amazing coloring! Love that image. :)
    Have a great day, Amanda...

  10. Precious! The butterfly and little spool are such cute embellies. I really need to practice more with the Fran-tage. Gorgeous girl! Hugs!

  11. Amanda!
    Love your card! Just beautiful! Love the Frantage!!
