Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wanna win some Kraftin Kimmie stamps?

That is like "ask a stupid question" huh? Well, here is the complete low down straight from Kimmie herself.

Soooooooo....we are starting something special today!! We are kickin' off our TWELVE KRAFTY DAYS OF KHRISTMAS CELEBRATION!!! Each day I will be posting a few of my favourite creations from our Krafty Girls and Guests from one of our releases!! AND everyone who comments on the post is eligible to WIN some rubber goodness from that release!!! How does that sound??? Pretty good???! Leave comments every day for chances to win.....and I'll announce all the winners on December 26th!!

Okay, you have been notified so make sure you hop over and comment for your chance to win! Here is a  direct link to get you started.  Kraftin Kimmie giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Well...it is better to give than receive...or??? LOL! Just had to grab a moment and see what you were up to!
