Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Love is in the air....

Please scroll down after this post to see my exciting news!

Time for another great blog hop from the ladybugs and this time "love is in the air"! You should have arrived here from the awesome Mary J. Is she not talented or what?!  I have two cards to show you today.
I kept both of these simple so the design could really stand out and by the way, the stamps are on sale for a  limited time only.  Sorry for the pictures, I was fiddling with some new light bulbs and am NOT happy with them. This image is called Just Married.
And a little bit of cake! Aptly called The Cake!

And as an added bonus several of the girls are giving away some blog candy! I have a bit on here and plan to add a bit more to it as but the rest will be a surprise! Which means I am still going thru stuff to put in it!

 Make sure you leave a comment on every blog and on the challenge blog with which stamp is your favorite to be in the drawing and then head on over to Pinky and see what great ideas she has come up with. And make sure you have the challenge blog banner showing on your sidebar! This week our challenge is a choice, Love and Marriage or Anything Goes. And on a sadder note, this is my final posting with the Ladybugs. I want to thank them all, they are the most supportive caring bunch of women I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I have been offered a couple of new dt positions and am "spreading my wings" so to speak. Best of luck girls, I love you all!


  1. Hi, your cards are lovely, the images are brill and so fab to colour. Good luck with Tiddly Inks.
    Jo x

  2. fab cards Amanda ... i think that image is my fave ... cos it has a car on it lol!
    LOve the rose ribbon you used on the cake.
    So glad you stayed for the celebrations. Good luck on the new DT's ... will keep popping by to check out all your amazing projects
    Have a great day
    Lisa x

  3. Fabulous cards - FABULOUS; I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your coloring of the car - it's fabarooni!

    Great job missy!

    And congrats on your new DT; well deserved!!

  4. Great cards Amanda! Is that a British stamp? I see the bride is driving, while throwing her bouquet! Very fun! Love your coloring.

  5. Love both cards - great coloring!

  6. Ah I have a lump in my throat, hate that its your last post with us:( But I am so glad to have met you as you are one ubber talented lady and your work today just proves it!! Love your gorgeous cards Amanda!! Thanks for all the inspiration. Hugs

  7. Your cards are so beautiful. I love cards which are clean and simple.

    Hugs, Uta

  8. Beautiful cards Amanada. I know the ladybugs will miss you.

  9. Lovely cards but I love that car image! Hazel x

  10. Cute cards, cute images, and I love the ribbons you used.

  11. Wonderful last post...Your card is so cute and I love your fab bow!

  12. Oh Amanda...what an amazing way to finish!!! I love the simplicity of both your cards...your colouring is amazing as always. Ribbon on The Cake card is fabulicious...almost like they were made for each other :-D It's been a pleasure working with you...so glad you happened upon LCI and I had the foresight to ask you to be a Ladybug. Best of luck with your new DT's. xx

  13. Great cards Amanda! The coloring on the first one is just fabulous - so dimensional - love it!

  14. HI Amanda, just LOVE your cards, especially the car one as your colouring is just fabby, but then again it's awesome on the cake too... how's a girl to chose!
    So sad that this is your last challenge with us :-( I've been honoured to have "met" you and I love your blog so will be stopping by to visit you often! Good luck for your new DT's
    Sue xx

  15. Hi Amanda, what an absolutely fun image this is, beautifully drawn! This may be my fave, onward to the hop! Ruby x

  16. WOW! Both are brilliant Amanda!

    It's been fab working with you on the LCI team - thank goodness we will still be working together on the FBW team!

  17. Hi Amanda, these cards are really adorable. I love the little car won. Isn't that just the cutest Wedding card? I realy love it. I also love how you left the rest simple so that your design and stamps are really the stars. You sure have been a busy girl lately. I have been working over 40 hour weeks the last two weeks and bringing my laptop to work so that I can get around to everyone of my blog friends, otherwise I would never get anything done. Oh the sorrows of getting what we want. lol...Have a great day my friend. Hugs Lisa

  18. Amanda your cards are just wonderful!!! these digis are terrific can't wait to get them!!!

    Lisa G

    stop by & check out my giveaway!

  19. So lovely, Amanda! Thank you for sharing and for the chance, Miria x

  20. Oh I love the Just Married image Amanda! It's so different from the norm and works so well - and you've coloured it beautifully. The embossing and bow are perfect!
    Love the cake image too! Those pearls and gems look stunning and love the rosette ribbon!
    Thanks for chance of winning fab Candy!
    Hugs Sue xx

  21. What fun images! How perfect is the ribbon with that cake, and the happy couple just make a person smile with their own happy memories! Thanks so much for great card shares!

  22. Both of these are adorable. Love your colors. The embossed paper on the first one is great. And I love the lace on the second one. I'd love to win your candy. Hugs, dj1952 (Debra)

  23. Morning sweetie, I love these especially the colours, gorgeous x x x

  24. wow...superbly executed a 1st card!
    A truly pretty and adorable card, gorgeous creation sweetie!

  25. Two fabby cards Amanda! Your colouring of the first image is just amazing and I LOVE the ribbon on the second!! So sad you are going too! Will stay in touch via blogland, I love visiting your blog and seeing what you create, so inspirational! Pami x

  26. Adorable cards, love the colours...and the smile that the first card provides!
    Joyce xx

  27. I love this card - the embossed background is so simple and elegant, and the big blue bow is the perfect finishing touch!
    Good luck with your future ventures! Lovely candy by the way!

  28. Beautiful cards Amanda,Love the simple design and fab embossing of the first,really makes the image stand out! The cake card too is gorgeous and I am soooo loving that rosie ribbon! It's been fun getting to know you,will keep in touch in blogland,Julie.xxx

  29. Lovely cards! I absloutely love them!

  30. What a great cards and so well colored, really lovely.

  31. Fabulous cards both of them! Love the coloring of the honeymoon care - how fun!
    The roses are a great embellishment for the cake. Very nice cards!

  32. I love the card with the couple, it seems that everyone else loves it also. Your coloring is devine! Love your bow....you are just getting better and better. Yep! Bev Rochester is old news, you are on your way!

  33. Both cards are great, but I love that Just married image! How fun! Thanks for sharing the inspiration!
    Karen C

  34. Stunning cards! I love your bow on the first one and the trimming that you have used on the second card is soooo beautiful :)
    Thanks for the chance to enter,
    Fiona L x

  35. Oh wow up to now the happy couple is my favourite image. I love the embossing and the ribbon looks beautiful. The cake is beautifully decorated and love all the pearls.
    Diane xx

  36. Both of these cards are lovely.. love the simplicity and the colors.. thanks for sharing..

  37. Hiya Amanda,
    love your cards, the first one is definitely my favourite though, i think i found my favourite stamp from the release (though i've yet to see some more..)
    Your pictures came out fine, i'm having a hard time taking pictures too because of the dreadful british weather:(
    catch you later

  38. Great cards and love the images. How fun are those. Great work.

  39. Hello Amanda, your cards are gorgeous, love the image on the first one, it is really fun and sweet. Yes as you said, sometime when you do a simple card the images stand out more, love this style. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy and Happy Blogaversary. Hugs Dora xxx

  40. Manda, these are beautiful wedding cards. I've never done these before.TFS!

  41. well light bulbs or no - I love the creations - the first one "just married" made me giggle - the blue ribbon really ties it all up :) xx

  42. Amanda, your Just Married and cake images look lovely on these sweeeet cards. ~ Rose

  43. Beautiful card and the colours are beautiful. Anne T

  44. Lovely cards! That Just married stamp is gorgeous!!!

  45. Stunning cards - love the first one and that gorgeous bow !!
    Hope to continue following your creations - sorry to see you leave Kerry and girls Xx

  46. Gorgeous cards and equally gorgeous bow and rose ribbon!
