Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Birthday card for lotv challenge

Happy Thursday my friends! I would say it almost the weekend but since I am on vacation I don't care!!! Of course I will be back to work soon enough but that is just the way it is. No rich millionaires in my future to be my sugar daddy as far as I know!  Alright, enough babbling. I made a card today for one of my best friends whose birthday is Saturday. And since I love the LOTV images I figured I would use their sketch for my card.

Missy has a big slobbery dog named Tucker but I think she will like the little one on this card too. Paper is new MME, lace from Walmart and roses from WOC. I will say I bought a couple of bottles of the new MS glitter paint and used it on the larger rose and I really like it. Lots of colors to choose from too. Ok, that is it for me tonite. Have a great weekend!


  1. Awwww...this is so cute! Your friend will love it. I like the papers you used also. The deco corner is great ... I keep forgetting I have those!

  2. Such a great card are lovely colours! Have a wonderful time on your holidays!

  3. Love the new blog wallpaper, and embellies. I think it fits your personality so much more. Your card is so sweet. I'm sure your friend would love it. Beautiful coloring, and love the flowers, and DP. Hugs, Rea P.S. Would you be interested in doing a image swap, you send me some LOTV and I could send you some Tilda's. Let me know, shoot me an email.

  4. oh this is gorgeous Amanda!! The image is simply friend will be mad if she doesn't love this!!

    Have a good day...whilst not at work.


  5. Love the new look Amanda, very snappy! Your card is just gorgeous, love your colouring and the gorgeous lace and flowers. I'll keep an eye out for a sugar daddy for you;)

  6. Amanda this is just adorable! I love, love it when you use these stamps. You always color them to perfection and they just make you smile. I love the lace and the little corner thing above her her shoulder. Just perfect my friend. I hope you are having a great Vacation! Luck girl! :D Have a great weekend as well. Hugs, Lisa

  7. So sweet! Those flower embellishments are beautiful and enjoy the time off :)

  8. This is so beautiful Amanda love the way you have coloured the image ..Im still trying to get the hang of it .. Lovely end result xx

  9. oh the colours are fabulous Amanda - and i just love the corner
    Lisa x

  10. Absolutely gorgeous - haven't seen the paint you reference, but it's amazing on that flower!!

  11. Hi sweetie this is gorgeous love this image, fab colours too,thanks for joining us at LOTV hugs pops x x x
