Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There is nothing scarier than a wronged woman...

Good Morning everyone and I apologize in advance if my card makes you roll your eyes but it had to be done. One of my best friends has a boss who treated her family really badly lately and as her and I were emailing one another she joked about getting out my voodoo doll. Well, I haven't had nearly enough time lately to play with one of my favorite stamp lines ever, Kraftin Kimmie, and since this weeks challenge was no embellishments I was able to whip this card up pretty quickly.

Yes, her bosses name is Andy but since I am pretty darn sure he doesn't read my blog I don't think it will be a problem posting this. Paper is by Prima, colored with copics and the lettering is from a set of stamps from Michaels, one of those individual letter ones. I am entering my card into the Kraftin Kimmie Challenge with my apologies to Kimmie for not playing more since she and her crew were so nice to me when I was a guest designer for them in the spring. So now everyone knows what to do with those people in our life who are causing us to have a major headache...


  1. I love it Amanda! Beautiful card and gorgeous coloring. I hope old nasty Andy feels everyone of those pinpricks too lol.

  2. oh lol.... fab card .. and hope it rubs off lol! We once had a horrid lady at work.. who looked like a character out of Monsters inc the fim... so when one of us got a little toy from Mc Donalds we strapped it to the railings on the balcony outside the office using cable ties !! A week later she broke her ankle .. we all felt so bad lol

    LOve the colours and the gorgeous paper
    Lisa x

  3. Oh you made me laugh this morning Amanda!!
    Then I had to pretend I was laughing at something else as the bosses wife sits on the desk opposite me (but I get along with her fine and guess I feel sympathy considering what she's married to!)

    Thank you for brightening my day, and being so nice as to make a voodoo doll called Andy!

    You are SO funny!

    Love & hugs
    You xxx

  4. This is fantastic, Amanda! Too fun :) Can you make a voodoo doll for me while you're making one for her? LOL... Hmm, wonder how I can get a piece of hair? :p

  5. Oh my gosh funny!!! Fantastic card with just the right amount of "cheeky" it!

  6. Oh my... that is so funny, not the story (your poor friend...) but the image, slightly twisted but hilarious never the less :-D

    Sue xx

  7. hee hee Amanda...fab card and Andy deserves all he gets!!


  8. Oh Amanda I just love this. I love your coloring as always and I think your friend will be tickled pink that you made her an Andy card. lol.... If only that worked(just a little. bah hahh haa. :O/ ) I hope you are having a great day. Hugs, Lisa

  9. Ha! So hilarious. Love the DP too, so pretty. Hugs

  10. This is just awesome and she will totally love it! Great coloring and I love the slightly twisted humor ;) Just the laugh I needed after the week I had!

  11. You go girl lol, must remember never to cross you!! Its a brilliant card though, superbly coloured as always.

  12. ROFL!!!! Brilliant! And your colouiring is AMAZING - again!!!

  13. Perfect. Just so perfect. xxx
