Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beach and/or summertime card for Michelles!

Good Morning guys! TGISunday I have to say! Last week really wore me out between being sick for almost two weeks then Friday my car died while I was out seeing patients and I sat in 100 degree heat (literally!) for over 2 hours waiting for AAA to come and jump my car. I went to bed Friday night at 6pm and got up Saturday morning at 8am. I guess my body said enough already and just figured I had dealt with enough and was gonna get a break one way or the other!

Enough babble, my card this week is a mo manning image available at Michelles Scrapbooking called Lil umbrella.

The paper is by American Crafts and is called Margarita, pretty appropriate huh? A flower from Recollections at Michaels and some sand ultra fine Flower Soft. Not too sure I like the sand though, put it on, thought it looked better without it but after I got it off there was still glue all over so put it back on. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!  Alright, let's see your beach/summertime themed cards for a chance to win a gift certificate at Michelle's. And if you live in Northeast Ohio or Northwest Pa she is gonna have a booth at the flea market in Hartville starting next month and you can bet I will be there! I am entering this card into this weeks Mo manning which is Summer Vacation.


  1. oh wow amanada...this is just gorgeous. The image is fab which I might have to get..just my kind of body...ha ha!! Great layout and just perfect!!


  2. Hi sweetie, this is gorgeous, love the colours that you have used, gorgeous work as always, big hugs love Pops x x x

  3. Fabaroonie Amanda! me in a swim suit without the stretchmarks lol! Such a fun card,love it,Julie.x

  4. oh this is fab Amanda .. and i love the sand .. I wish i looked that good in a bikini!
    Lisa x

  5. Oh Amanda I am so sorry that your car died and left in the heat for so long. You are so calm about it. I just hate when cars don't do what they are suppose to do. Gggrrr! :O{ I am glad to hear that your body took care of you and made you rest for a little while. Sounds like you really needed it my friend. I love, love your card! I love the colors of the paper and the way that you have colored this awesome image. Soooo cute! I don't know what she looked like without the sand, but I think this has turned out awesome. Never have used that stuff before, but looks like it is very cool to work with. Take card of yourself and I hope your car is back up and running too. Hugs, Lisa

  6. Love this image, your card is fab and love the stitching. You poor thing being stuck in that heat, I can't image it, horrible. Pami x

  7. OMGoodness! This is just FABULOUS! Love the image, patterned paper, flower....everything!

  8. Love, love, love this card. Super bright colours, the flower is gorgeous and I gotta get me that image! xxx

  9. Fabulous Amanda! It looks just like me on the beach, sipping a cocktail with my big, fat butt stuck up in the air!
    Great choice of papers and a fab flower.
    The flower soft, it looks fine on your card and does look like sand.

    You xxx

  10. WOWZERS Amanda, this is STUNNING! Your coloring is dead on and I LOVE how you made the sand. How clever are you? GREAT card!

  11. Beautifully done! I love the papers and the deckle edge on the image panel. Glad you shared it with us in Mo's Challenge.

  12. How fun! Love the bright summer papers and your coloring makes her absolutely divine! And the sand you added...OH MY! LOVE!

  13. OMG!!! this is just fantastic..colored to perfection and perfect choice of papers with those little umbrellas..Great job..Thanks so much for joining us at Mo's this week. hope to see you again next week as well


  14. Wow Amanda! That paper and image are perfect!

  15. LOve the bright colors with this summery image! I’m so glad you could play with us this week at Mo’s!

  16. Gorgeous! Your coloring is amazing and I love that image ... looks like my fat butt except I'd never been seen in public in a two-piece lol!
