Sunday, June 19, 2011

Paper Sundaes SSS challenge

Happy Sunday everyone! I am probably already at work while you are reading this but my mind is on cards while I am driving I am sure! So if you see a little red Saturn VUE swerving around beware! Our challenge this week is hosted by Simon Says Stamp and the challenge is to make an easel card. I have never made one before but really like how it turned out but boy is it a bugger to photograph!
The metal piece on the base says Happy Birthday inside and it is fairly heavy so I figured it would hold up the main portion of the card pretty well. My mouse is colored mostly with prisma pencils cause I can't seem to do fur well with my copics but he is a little yellow in the center, need to practice fur more I guess. His sunflower is colored with copics and has a boatload of stickles in the center but boy is it pretty irl! Some more stickles on the butterfly, a handmade banner across the corner and some lace from my buddy Elaine. I am entering this card into the following challenges

Simon Says Stamp   Bingo
Scrapbook Sisters    Banners or bunting
Wee Memories  Celebration


  1. As soon as I saw this card I loved it Amanda. I love the bright vibrant colours - looks fabulous! Hugs jenny

  2. Beautiful Amanda. I can't do fur either but your colouring looks fab! Pami x

  3. Hi Amanda. This is a wonderful card. I can not believe that you haven't done one before. It is perfect my friend. I love your coloring as always. You always get such brightness out of your work and I love it. Don't swerve to much don't want any accident that would keep you from being creative. lol... Have a wonderful Sunday my friend. Hugs, Lisa

  4. this is stunning Amanda, love the colours and the image is just so cute, it really pops out!!


  5. Wow Amanda...another beautiful creation hun and so is your colouring sweetie..!

    have a lovely evening hugs Vicky xx

  6. This is so pretty! I love your bright and vibrant colors...I love easel cards and how they display so well. Your picture of it turned out great too!

  7. oh i love this easel.. and your colouring is fab
    Lisa x

  8. Awesome Amanda!
    I love easel cards and make loads of trick to taking a photo? I take the photo with the card shut ha!
    I love the bright beautiful colours..your trademark!

    You xx

  9. Beautiful card and image Amanda. Your fur looks perfect. I agree that easel cards are terrible to photograph.

  10. Amanda your fur...ummm...the mouse's fur looks wonderful! I struggle with fur also! I love all the papers you combined do have a talent for that! hugs!

  11. Wonderful card Amanda! Love your colouring & I love how you added the stickles in the centre of the beautiful sunflower!

  12. Oh wow, this is soooooo sweet honey! I love the colour combo and - of course - your amazing colouring!!!

  13. Ooooh bunting, love bunting. This is a smashing easel card. I wish I could put papers together like this. xxx

  14. Love Easel cards...and this one is a beauty!

  15. Amanda this is adorable!!! Love the colors and all of the sweet layers you have going on!!!
