Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Early Birthday Mom and Elaine

Ok, well blogger seems to be having a fit today cause it wouldn't let me export photos into my blog. Took me forever and having to go thru Picasa to do this, anyone else having problems? My card today is for my mom's birthday which is tomorrow but I also want to wish my buddy Elaine a Happy Birthday too cause hers is also tomorrow. My image is a Sugar Nellie and that is in honor of Elaine who is a Sugar Sweetie (I think that is what they call themselves) and because it is the type of image my mom will love. I have to say she is pretty but I am not happy with the hair, is was too yellow, tried to tone it down with some browns but it only made it more golden and I was afraid to keep fussing. My mom was blond as a little girl so I didn't want to change it to entirely brown.

Posted by PicasaPaper is Madeline by Prima, WOC flowers except the blue rose which is Prima and has been glimmer misted. Lace from Elaine for my birthday and some butterflies I punched with a MS punch and then used platinum stickles on and some little rhinestones in the center. I am entering this into the Sugar Nellie challenge which is to use the provided sketch which I absolutely love. That is it from me today, busy busy busy you know!


  1. what gorgeous colours .. i love that nestie too
    Hope you Mum has a wonderful birthday
    Lisa x

  2. Wow Amanda this is truly beautiful hun...and your colouring is amazing too...Hope your Mum has a fabulous B'Day...

    hugs Vicky xx

  3. This is gorgeous Amanda! I love blue and brown together. I am sure your mum will love it! Pami x

  4. Fabulous Amanda!
    My cunning plan to turn you from the Dark Side to the Sweet Side must be working!!
    Your Mom will love this beautiful card, perfectly coloured and prettily embellished.

    You xxx

  5. Beautiful card Amanda and I'm sure your mother will love it!

  6. This is AMAZING! Your coloring is stunning. Hope your Mother enjoys the beautiful card.

  7. I love your coloring, you did a beautiful job. Your card and the layout are wonderful. Hugs

  8. WOW !!! Don't know how I missed this beauty !!! She is absolutely GORGEOUS & looks like a portrait painting ... You REALLY colored her beautifully Amanda & HOW did you get such wonderful shading on her dress ??? It's AMAZING !!!
